Seasonal Report - Winter 2022-23
Lycoming County Winter 2022-23 Summary
It was a comparatively warm winter, and Rose Valley Lake had at least some open water for most of the season. In total, 108 species were reported in Lycoming County during the winter.
Notable Observations
Observer abbreviations include: Bobby Brown (BB — county compiler), Bob Brown (BoB), David Brown (DB), Deb Brown (DeB), Rebecca Brown (RB), Jean Dalton (JD), Eric Hartshaw (EH), Evan Houston (EvH), Andy Keister (AK), Allison Matlock (AM), David Rothrock (DR)
m. obs. = many observers
Six Cackling Geese were on Rose Valley Lake during fallout conditions on 12/11 (BB).
Two Mute Swans were in Pennsdale during early January (BB, et al.).
A Blue-winged Teal was in a small stream in Hughesville on 1/1 (BB, DB, RB, BoB), which is the first January record of that species in Lycoming County.
Four White-winged Scoters were on Rose Valley Lake on 12/11 (BB). A Long-tailed Duck was at Rose Valley Lake 1/5-8 (BB, et al.).
A Common Loon was at Rose Valley Lake on 12/3 (AM, BB) and 12/4 (BB).
A Double-crested Cormorant was at the Williamsport Dam on 12/8 (EvH), and two were at Rose Valley Lake on 12/11 (BB).
Short-eared Owls returned to Mill Hill Rd. in January and February (m.obs.) and one was seen in Eldred Twp. on 1/16 and 1/18 (DR, JD)
The Northern Shrike that was first found at the end of November at Rose Valley Lake was frequently seen throughout the winter (BB, et al.), and remained present through at least 2/17 (RB).
Two Savannah Sparrows were at the Robert Porter Allen Natural Area on 12/18 (BB).
An Eastern Meadowlark was found near Elimsport during the Williamsport CBC on 12/17 (BB, DB, BoB). A Rusty Blackbird was at Rose Valley Lake on 12/4 (BB).
The Common Yellowthroat that was first reported at Rose Valley Lake in November remained at the lake for the entirety of the winter season (BB, et al.), and provided the first February record of that species in Lycoming County.
Additional Photos
The Winter 2022-23 report was compiled and written by Bobby Brown. Our seasonal reports cover March-May (Spring), June and July (Summer), August-November (Fall) and December-February (Winter) to better line up with migration, breeding and wintering timings.