Seasonal Report - Winter 2020-21
Lycoming County Winter 2020-21 Summary
This winter came with high anticipation, with one of the biggest finch irruptions in decades kicking off in the fall season. In general, though, most of the finches seemed to keep going and ended up south of Lycoming County for the winter. In general, there weren't too many surprises during the winter, with no big pattern of rarities, and no exceptional weather patterns. In total, 105 species were reported in Lycoming County during the winter.
Observer abbreviations include: Bobby Brown (BB — county compiler), Dan Brauning (DanB), Bob Brown (BoB), David Brown (DB), Deb Brown (DeB), Rebecca Brown (RB), Jean Dalton (JD), Maddi Dunlap (MD), Dave Ferry (DF), Norwood Frederick (NF), Eric Hartshaw (EH), Jared Hollick (JH), Evan Houston (EvH), Andy Keister (AK), Patrick Lister (PL), Brett Matlock (BM), Gary Metzger (GM), Steve Pinkerton (SP)
m. obs. = many observers
In stark contrast to last winter, where tens of thousands of Snow Geese were in Lycoming County during February, the only February sighting was about 30 in Nisbet on 2/14 (BB, DeB, BoB, RB). The only other report from the winter was 40 in Eldred Twp. on 12/18 (JD). Five Tundra Swans were in Nisbet on 2/26 (DanB), and 6 at the same location on 2/28 (BB, DeB, BoB, RB).
After a complete lack of reports in 2020, Canvasbacks were regularly seen along the river from Williamsport to Nisbet during the second half of February (m. obs.). Additionally, 3 were at Indian Park on 2/23 (BB). Some flocks of up to several dozen Redheads were also seen along the river during the second half of February. About the same timeframe the Canvasbacks were present, up to 24 Greater Scaup were at the Williamsport Dam. Some Lesser Scaup were also at the Williamsport Dam at the same time, but generally less than 10.
Up to 2 Long-tailed Ducks were consistently seen at the Williamsport dam during the second half of January and all of February (m. obs.), and one was at Mill St. on 1/9 (BB, DeB, BoB).
A Eurasian Collared-Dove was found at Lime Bluff Recreation Center on 2/15 (GM). The bird was also seen at the same location the following day (BB, DeB, BoB, RB). This represents one of the very few records for Lycoming County, and the first known photographed record.
A flyover Golden Eagle was reported from South Williamsport Park on 12/5 (DF).
Rough-legged Hawk reports were concentrated in the Mill Hill Rd. area and in Jackson Twp. The lone report outside of those areas was near Elimsport on 2/13 (BB, DeB, BoB, RB).
A Short-eared Owl was seen in Antes Fort several nights during late December (SP). The formerly-reliable Mill Hill Rd. did not have any Short-eared Owls again this winter, which is the third straight year with no sightings.
A Ruby-crowned Kinglet was reported along the Pine Creek Rail Trail on 12/28 (JH), and one was at Rose Valley Lake on 12/31 (BB, DeB).
A Brown Thrasher wintered at Rose Valley Lake, and was seen 12/31 (BB, DeB), 1/1 (BB, DeB, BoB), 2/14 (BB, DeB, RB) and 2/24 (BB, DB, DeB, BoB, RB).
Up to 4 American Pipits were seen at the Williamsport Dam during much of February (m. obs.).
After a big push during the fall season, Evening Grosbeak numbers dropped off significantly, but there were a couple one-off sightings, including Eldred Twp. on 12/10 (JD) and Steam Valley Rd. on 2/6 (BB, DeB, BoB, RB). There were also at least two feeders in Lycoming County getting regular flocks. Likewise, Purple Finches dropped off quite a bit from the fall, presumably because they mostly continued south, but there were scattered sightings. There were some significant flocks of Common Redpolls during the winter, with the Mill Hill Rd. area hosting the largest — with about 100 birds. There were scatted sightings elsewhere throughout the county, and it was easily the best winter for the species in recent years. A Hoary Redpoll was mixed into the Mill Hill Rd. redpoll flock, and was first seen 2/6 (BB, DeB, BoB, RB). The huge Pine Siskin numbers of fall also gave way to a pretty scarce winter for them, presumably, again, because they kept moving south.
Longspurs & Snow Buntings
Two Lapland Longspurs were seen off and on for over a week in February near Mill Hill Rd. (SP, et al.). There was also one in Antes Fort on 2/6 (SP) and two in Nisbet 2/7 (BB, DeB, BoB, RB).
There were two consistent Snow Bunting flocks in the county during February, with a few dozen in Cogan House Twp. and over 100 near Mill Hill Rd. (m. obs.). Two were also mixed into a Horned Lark flock near Pennsdale on 2/20 (BB, DeB, BoB, RB).
Three Savannah Sparrows were in Nisbet on 1/4 (BB, DeB, BoB). A Lincoln's Sparrow was reported near Williamsport on 12/4 (DF). An Eastern Towhee was reported along the Pine Creek Rail Trail on 12/27 (PL).
An Eastern Meadowlark was reported near Picture Rocks on 2/6 (EvH).
Additional Photos
The Winter 2020-21 report was compiled and written by Bobby Brown. Our seasonal reports cover March-May (Spring), June and July (Summer), August-November (Fall) and December-February (Winter) to better line up with migration, breeding and wintering timings.