Educational resources for birders in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania and beyond.
Articles YouTube VideosPractice your bird identification skills with our daily ID quizzes. Follow our Facebook page to see the daily quiz in your feed, or check out our full archive.
4-Letter Alpha Codes
You will often see experienced birders abbreviating bird names with 4 capital letters (e.g. RTHA, SOSP, etc.). These are called banding codes, or often, alpha codes. Birders often use them when…
Raptor Guide
This guide provides all the resources that anyone in the northeastern U.S. and mid-atlantic would need for raptor identification, and answer questions about how to go about finding and enjoying hawks, eagles, falcons, and other raptors.
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Lycoming County Birding
Although our focus has expanded since we started, LycoBirds remains dedicated to finding and enjoying the birds of Lycoming County, PA.

Lycoming County
Get to know the rivers, creeks, forests, and grasslands of Lycoming County, PA.

Bird Species
Over 300 bird species have been recorded in Lycoming County.

Birding Locations
From local parks to state forest trails, Lycoming County has dozens of birding hotspots

Hawk Watching
Go hawk watching to see the thousands of hawks, eagles, falcons, and other raptors that migrate through every spring and fall.

Seasonal Reports
We publish a report of notable Lycoming County sightings for each Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter season.

Get Involved
Get involved in the local birding community. Or report your bird sightings to eBird.